The use of marijuana is now legal in a number of states for medical purposes and in several other states for recreational use. So, what are cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are categorized as a group of compounds found in the cannabis or marijuana plant. Some individuals strongly believe that cannabinoids have extensive healing qualities, but existing studies […]
Autumn brings in its own engaging sounds you won’t want to miss, including the crackling of a warm fire, leaves crunching beneath your feet, and children laughing and playing. Now imagine how much less pleasant your fall experience will be if those sounds begin to fade away. Hearing issues can put a damper on your […]
If you haven’t had a hearing exam since your grade school days, you’re not the only one, it’s often not part of a regular adult physical, and, regrettably, we tend to treat hearing reactively instead of proactively. Luckily, a professional hearing specialist can uncover a wealth of information from a hearing test which can be […]
You’re a rather busy person, so it’s reasonable that you completely forgot about the hearing exam you have scheduled. It’s a good thing you received a text from the clinic reminding you in time for you to prepare. But what kind of preparation should you do? While it may not call for an all-night study […]
Why is getting routine hearing tests significant? Well, the truth is that hearing loss can have considerable and long-term effects on your general health. Getting your hearing evaluated regularly can help you detect hearing loss early, get care sooner, and, improve your health, wellness, and quality of life. Getting a hearing test – who should […]
There are a large number of reasons for muffled hearing. In the majority of cases, this condition is short-term. But muffled hearing can also be a sign that a more serious hearing problem is happening. That’s because, for the most part, hearing loss is a slowly progressing condition. Symptoms progress slowly and over time. Typically, […]
Dealing with cancer is awful. Patients have to go through a very difficult time and some of the side effects of chemotherapy are often ignored. But for a great number of cancer survivors, there is a life after cancer and that’s an essential thing to keep in mind. And, of course, you want a really […]
You know you’re feeling cranky these days but you’re not exactly sure why. Well, it was frustrating earlier today when you felt left out of the meeting at the office. Your daughter got up and suddenly left the house after becoming annoyed when you kept asking her to turn the TV volume up. What’s the […]
Hearing loss is typically a slow process, making it easy to overlook the subtle changes in your ability to perceive sounds. Although children are frequently tested, the majority of adults don’t even consider scheduling a hearing exam like they would their vision. So why should your hearing be any less relevant than your vision? It’s […]
It might seem, initially, like measuring hearing loss would be simple. You can most likely hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. Most letters might sound clear at any volume but others, such as “s” and “b” may get lost. It will become more apparent why you notice inconsistencies with your hearing […]