How do Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus?

Tinnitus can often be managed with hearing aids.

At one time or another in your life you’ve most likely had some ringing in your ears. And that ringing has a name: tinnitus. At any particular time 15-20% percent of people, as reported by many studies, experience tinnitus. Normally, it’s not lasting. But chronic tinnitus, a ringing that won’t go away, can be annoying and upsetting. Fortunately, there is a common and straight forward treatment for tinnitus: hearing aids.

Coping With Chronic Tinnitus

Some of the many reasons why tinnitus develops are fairly easy to figure out, others not as much. Your ears can create an uncountable number of noises when you have tinnitus not just ringing but sounds including thumping or grinding.

And tinnitus becomes more obnoxious as the sounds become noisier. Difficulty communicating, mental health declines, and disruption of your everyday life can be the eventual result.

Tinnitus And Hearing Aids

While there is often no way to cure the root cause of tinnitus, hearing aids have become pretty skilled at treating tinnitus symptoms. There are several ways that hearing aids achieve this.

Making The Ringing in Your Ears Harder to Notice

Tinnitus and hearing loss commonly occur together. They can have the same underlying cause or not. But it’s very likely that your tinnitus will worsen as your hearing loss declines. There’s not as much competition, and that ringing or buzzing can really stand out (it’s like winning American Idol in a year with sub-par contestants).

When you’re using hearing aids the sounds of the outside world will be turned up. Your tinnitus will once again, to your relief, disappear into the background. Now you can get back to enjoying your life again.

Canceling Out The Noise

Of course, there’s a difference between masking your tinnitus and overwhelming your tinnitus. That’s why many modern hearing aids will use a specialized twist on noise-canceling tech to help deal with the buzzing and ringing. Specific white noise frequencies can be programmed into your hearing aids that can help reduce tinnitus symptoms. Making use of this type of technology, you will be less aware of tinnitus sounds.

This is a customized technology and an appointment with us will help you figure out if this is right for you.

Most types of chronic tinnitus can’t be cured. But you can still find ways to manage it. The ringing, buzzing, and other tinnitus-related noises will be gone and you will be able to enjoy a full life with hearing aids that are calibrated precisely. Hearing aids are the ideal choice for individuals with tinnitus.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.