Your Hearing is Failing if You Notice Any of These 8 Discrete Indicators

Unhappy girl suffering from hearing loss with glass of drink expressing sadness and loneliness while her friends having fun and enjoying a festive BBQ dinner in the background

Your hearing won’t be simply gone one day when you wake up. Hearing loss, especially when it’s caused by aging, typically advances in degrees. You may not realize it’s taking place right away but some indicators do show up earlier.

These initially developing symptoms advance very discreetly. Identifying them sooner is essential to delay the development of hearing loss or other health problems related to aging. But if you are unaware of what the early symptoms are, you won’t be capable of recognizing if you have them. You may be developing hearing loss if you notice any of the following eight barely detectable indicators.

1. You hear some people just fine but not others

Maybe when you talk with your brother, you can hear him fine, but when your wife speaks, some words just seem to get lost. It’s a common sign that the nerves that transmit messages to the brain are damaged (known as sensorineural hearing loss).

Her voice is less clear to you because the pitch is higher. You may have the same issue with your grandchild or daughter. Even higher pitched tones such as the phone ringing or alarm clock can get lost. Those tones are high, also.

2. You don’t like to talk on the phone

It’s easy to make excuses for why you don’t answer the phone when it rings:

  • It’s a brand new phone, and I’m just not used to it yet
  • I get tons of spam calls – that’s most likely what it is

You dread talking on the phone, but why? If you have the volume at max and can’t hear what is being said, let someone else test the phone for you. If they are able to hear the conversation and you can’t, your ears are likely the problem.

3. Why does everyone mumble these days?

It seems as if it’s no longer just the kids who are mumbling when they speak, it’s your neighbor, the news woman, your partner, and even your bartender. It’s hard to imagine that everybody in your life suddenly has bad enunciation so this is a strong indication of hearing decline. You’re not hearing words the same as you used to. One of the first signs that something is going on with your hearing is when it sounds like people are mumbling and consonants like “S” and “T” are getting lost.

4. You’re saying “what?” a lot

It may not be until somebody points out that you’re saying “what?” a lot that you realize you are developing hearing loss. Frequently the people you see on a daily basis like coworkers or family are the first to detect you are struggling to hear. You should certainly pay attention if someone says something.

5. What’s that ringing in my ears?

Okay, this isn’t exactly a subtle indication, but it is something individuals tend to dismiss unless it’s distracting. Tinnitus, the medical name for the ringing or buzzing in the ear, is a prevalent symptom of hearing loss.

Triggers are an important factor in tinnitus so it can be periodic, too. For example, perhaps the ringing, buzzing, or roaring only happens in the morning or when you are tired. Or a trauma, circulatory issues, or high blood pressure could be the cause.

If you’re noticing these symptoms you should make an appointment for an exam because they might be an indication that you’re having a health issue.

6. Joining your friends at the neighborhood BBQ isn’t as fun

It’s no fun when it sounds as if that many individuals are mumbling all at once. It’s so much harder to understand what people are saying in loud settings. Something as simple as kids playing and splashing around in the pool or the sound of the AC coming on you makes it extremely tough to hear anything. And, you always feel fatigued from trying to keep up with conversations.

7. You feel more fatigued than normal

Struggling to understand words is exhausting. Your brain has to work harder to process what it can hear, so you are more fatigued than usual. Your other senses may even start to change. If your brain is using 110 percent of its time and energy to understand words, what’s left over for your eyesight or balance? If your eyes have tested fine, now it’s time to get your hearing checked.

8. Why can’t I hear this TV?

When you have to constantly turn the volume up on your TV, it becomes all too easy to blame your service provider or that old TV. It can be hard to follow the dialogue on your favorite shows when you’re dealing with hearing loss. Dialogue is being jumbled by background music and sound effects. What about the other stuff in the room like the AC or the ceiling fan? If you keep cranking the volume up, then your hearing may be failing.

The good thing is, if your hearing is declining, hearing aids can help, you just need to have your hearing tested.

Give us a call today to make an appointment for a hearing assessment if you’ve experienced any of the above signs.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.